EPRG – European Pipeline Research Group
We address issues of common interest concerning the technical integrity of oil & gas transmission pipelines, in the areas of pipe manufacture, pipeline design, construction, operation and maintenance.

Material Performance
Emerging Fuels
News & Upcoming Events
EPRG Draft best practice guidelines for small scale fracture toughness testing in hydrogen gas of carbon steel pipeline material
Read moreWe are pleased to announce the publication of the EPRG Draft best practice guidelines for small scale fracture toughness testing in hydrogen gas of…
The Emerging Fuels Symposium – Attaining a Low Carbon Future Together
|Read moreStay tuned!
Athen, Greece: 8-10 May 2024
Marriott Athens Hotel, 385, Syngrou Ave., 175 64, Athen
Fracture Summit 2023
Read moreEPRG is happy to announce that its traditional Munich Fracture Summit will be held again on 6th and 7th of December 2023.
Call for papers 22nd Joint Technical Meeting now open
|Read moreThe 22nd Joint Technical Meeting on Pipeline Research is scheduled for April 29 - May 3, 2019 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia hosted by the…
EPRG has come together to celebrate its 50th Anniversary in Munich in December
|Read moreInitially formed to bring the manufacturers and the operators together to collaborate on the issue of propagating fracture it has developed into…
23rd Joint Technical Meeting (JTM)
|Read morePreparations for the 23rd Joint Technical Meeting (JTM) on Pipeline Research are proceeding well.
The Event was originally planned to take place in…
Hydrogen Pipelines - literature study on design and material challenges available for download
|Read moreThere is considerable, and growing, interest worldwide in the use of hydrogen as an alternative to natural gas in energy systems. In particular a…
Special Session on Hydrogen Pipelines - Call for Papers and Invitation
|Read moreWithin only a few years, the energy transition has become a global phenomenon which affects and will continue to have a large impact on the energy…